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GetBackers Amano Ginji Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál

GetBackers Amano Ginji Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál(YDC291)

Árjegyzék:  Ft29,290  
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The United States and the Amano silver times are a special ability to have people. The United States quite a pair of evil eye, he can see the phantom, is to see a nightmare illusion, or see the illusion of happiness are due to his own will to decide, in addition he also has "SNAKE BITE "This ability, that is 200KILO grip strength to tear the enemy. The ability of Amano silver times is lurking in his body Vel high voltage current, the same as the eel can be up to 10 million volts, not only can make the human perception of paralysis, but also undermine the electronic equipment, uses a very wide range.
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