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Tales of Symphonia Sheena Fujibayashi Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál

Tales of Symphonia Sheena Fujibayashi Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál(YDC206)

Árjegyzék:  Ft38,570  
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Lloyd Erwin and Guinness Sage, and the son of Keleite Brunel, and its guard Li Feier Sai Ji and Kurtos Aolong, his party to start the world regeneration tour. The purpose of his party is to add energy to the world Sylvalan Mana, so need to unlock the five children of the altar Kelai Te Leite seal. En route to the line from the parallel world of Tethys Arama Lin rattan name. She told his party, the two worlds through the regeneration of the journey to compete for Mana. A pedestrian hopes to save the two worlds, but the angel Lemieel told them, Kleiter's trip is the case. At the last seal, they were betrayed by Lemieuel and Kuratos; they were Mitos, the evil organization led by Goodhillier, a member of the Kurges
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