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Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Rina Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál

Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Rina Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál(YDC223)

Árjegyzék:  Ft30,160  
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23% OFF

Lucia, the mermaid princess of the North Pacific, sought her child rescued seven years ago by the sea when the child was drowned and saved his life Vel pink pearl and its most precious pearl pink saved. For the child. Seven years later he came to earth in order to determine the succession of the former child to return to the pearl, and finally found the boy called Dominic fighting sea, but the embodiment of Lucia as an adult, called Seven Sea Lucia girl and her siren is not similar; she can not say his true identity, or will become a bubble. So she tried to let the hopper think of his true identity.
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